What's on Now
Blues Before Sunrise with Steve Cushing
12:00 AM - 05:00 AM

Events Calendar Submission

Please allow a minimum of 48 hours for approval of event.

Rule #1: Please do not use all CAPS.
Rule #2: Any field with a * is required.
Rule #3: Please make sure that any listed times are in CST.
Event Category
* Blues Calendar listings should be email'd to chicagobluesgigs@gmail.com
Event Information
A valid Event Title/Artist/Group is required.
A Date is required.
If your event spans multiple dates… please include here.
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A valid URL is required.

Venue Information
If your event is online only, then select Livestream Online (at top).
Please select a venue.

Presenting Organzation Information

Contact Info for Person Submitting Event
(for WDCB's use only, this is not made public)
A Contact Name is required.
A Contact Email is required.
Please include area code with phone number.

This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Please provide the verification answer.

Jazz Organic